In-Person Classes Start February 24th, 2025

In-Person Classes Start February 24th, 2025



Why Does My Account Have a Hold?

A hold may be applied to your account if you have a past-due balance. Depending on the amount of your account balance, you may not be able to remain in future courses or receive access to transcripts and other official documents.

SFS1 Hold

If your account has a SFS1 Hold, you owe less than $2,500 but more than $750 to the university. If you have an SFS1 Hold and are enrolled in a future term, you may stay enrolled in your current course if your balance does not exceed $2,500. However, this hold may prevent you from registering for future courses. 

To remove this hold from your account, reach out to your career coach to figure out your next steps

SFS2 Hold

If you have a balance of $2,500.00 or more on your account, you have a SFS2 hold on your account. With this type of hold, all restrictions of the SFS1 Hold apply and you will not have access to your grades or your transcripts until you set up a payment plan. If you are registered for future courses and have past-due balances of $2,500.00 or more on your account, you will be dropped from all registered courses. If you pay your balance down to below $2,500.00, this hold will be replaced with an SFS1 Hold.

To remove this hold from your account, reach out to your career coach to figure out your next steps.

Collections Hold

Any unpaid balances on your account are sent to Collections. When your account is sent to Collections, the Collections hold is added to the SFS1 or SFS2 Hold that already exists on your account. This hold can only be removed after you pay off the entire balance on your account. Reach out to your career coach if you have any questions about this hold on your account.
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